(First, we need to make one thing clear: this blog post is very much inspired by one of our absolute favorite go-to resources online. Have you “found” West Elm yet? If so, odds are you agree with Aspen RentAll when we say that they are amazing. If not, you can thank us later! Now, to the meat of potatoes of this blog…)
Homes throughout Aspen and the Roaring Fork Valley are comprised of small spaces. From downtown Aspen apartments that barely eclipse 1000 square feet to sprawling estates with uniquely designed small rooms, every home has a small space that begs to be maximized.
Here are 6 ways to make the most of a small living space, inspired by New York-based Zio & Sons and West Elm…
The bright atmosphere a white-washed wall will bring to your small space is amazing. Your little room will exude a bright feeling and it will feel much bigger than it actually is just because of the white walls.
2. Hang a BIG mirror.
If you do not have the luxury of hallways or space, you must make the most of what you do have. And, all small spaces have one thing in common: walls. So, use your wall space to its full potential by utilizing an oversized mirror to give your tiny room the illusion of depth and vaulted ceilings. Hanging a mirror will open up your small room.
3. Functional furniture and extra shelves are space savers.
Just because you’re confined to under 1000 square feet doesn’t mean you have to give up on an aesthetic or interior design. Functional furniture, like the vintage folding farm desk above, and extra shelves will afford small space dwellers the ability to get creative, add art, and incorporate design elements into their small spaces.
For more tips on maximizing small spaces, check out this blog post by West Elm.
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